Calibrated 8mm Diameter, 10N/2.2lb Force (USB)
This is a calibrated pair of a 8mm SingleTact sensor and USB electronics board. It comes with 50 cm USB cable and Calibration sheet.
The sensor and electronics are a matched pair, the calibration is stored on the electronics. You can use a tail extender with calibrated systems, but not interchange with other sensors.
This is a calibrated pair of a 8mm SingleTact sensor and USB electronics board. It comes with 50 cm USB cable and Calibration sheet.
The sensor and electronics are a matched pair, the calibration is stored on the electronics. You can use a tail extender with calibrated systems, but not interchange with other sensors.
This is a calibrated pair of a 8mm SingleTact sensor and USB electronics board. It comes with 50 cm USB cable and Calibration sheet.
The sensor and electronics are a matched pair, the calibration is stored on the electronics. You can use a tail extender with calibrated systems, but not interchange with other sensors.
Force Resolution
Maximum Force
Typical Repeatability Error
Operating Temperature
Temperature Sensitivity
Linear Error
Response Time
Contract Surface Material
Sensor Thickness
Typical Baseline Capacitance
ESD Sensitivity
Material Grade
< 0.2% of Full Scale (FSR)
300% of FSR
< 1.0% (1 sigma of FS)
-40°C < T < 85°C
< 0.2%/° C
< 2.0%
2% in 1 min, 4% in 10 min, at 50% FSR load
< 4.0%
< 1ms(Measured using Oscilloscope)
8mm 75 pF; 15mm: 230 pF @ 100 kHz
Not sensitive to ESD
UL grade 94 V-1 or better
Update Rate
Digital Interface
IO Voltage
Supply Voltage
Input Current
Operating Temperature
~100 Hz
Sensor values: 10-bit precision (115200 BAUD)
5 V (No IO available)
5 V USB via USB Mini B
5.1 mA
Sensor 0.23g/ Electronics 0.34 g
-40°C < T < 85°C
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